Enhanced investment promotion efforts drive faster industrial transformation and upgrading

24, February, 2021

Investment promotion plays an important role in ensuring high-level development of SIP. Therefore, SIP authorities have been optimizing the investment promotion modes, from that relying on land resources and preferential policies to that based on industrial chains and capital operations. They take full consideration of related regional industrial development strategies to invite domestic and overseas leading enterprises to bring their projects into SIP, and have made remarkable achievements which are helping accelerate the industrial transformation and upgrading in the area.

In response to the global investment slowdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak, SIP adopted a series of measures to expand channels for investment promotion, including organizing online investment promotion events and offering non-face-to-face services to investors. Thanks to these efforts, many industry-leading companies made or added investment in SIP last year.

Danaher Corporation, a US science and technology innovator which opened its first plant in SIP in 1997, signed an agreement with SIP Administrative Committee last July to set up a new diagnostic platform development and manufacturing base in SIP to provide localized rapid diagnosis solutions.

On the other hand, YRD Overseas Investment Promotion Center was inaugurated in SIP in April 2019, focusing on establishing long-term partnerships with overseas industrial parks and business organizations, organizing various networking events and offering a set of services to attract foreign-invested projects and help YRD-based enterprises seek development overseas. The center has thus far provided services for 54 projects invested by Chinese enterprises overseas, and helped attract a host of foreign high-tech companies to invest in SIP.

At the same time, SIP authorities are keeping on innovating on the investment promotion modes, hoping to further promote the development of high-end industries.

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